Note-Taking Methods

What is the Boxing Method?

What is the Boxing Method?
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The boxing method is a systematic approach to note-taking that involves drawing boxes around related pieces of information to visually organize and categorize content on a page. This method helps in segregating different topics or ideas, making it easier to review and memorize the notes. It is particularly effective for visual learners and can be adapted for use in both handwritten and digital formats.

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Key Takeaways

  • The boxing method of note-taking is a visual strategy that uses boxes to categorize and separate information, improving organization, understanding, focus, and memory retention.
  • Suitable for both paper and digital formats, this method involves creating boxes around clusters of information, use of keywords, symbols, and color-coding to highlight connections and enhance efficiency.
  • While advantageous in organizing and prioritizing information, the boxing method may be time-consuming and less effective for subjects that lack clear hierarchical structures or in fast-paced learning environments.

Understanding the Boxing Method of Note-Taking

Illustration of organized notes using the boxing method

Many students and professionals have adopted the boxing method, a variant of the mapping technique for note-taking, as it has transformed their approach to assimilating and structuring information. This strategy employs boxes to categorically distinguish and group data visually.

This effective method of note taking is versatile enough to be employed with conventional pen-and-paper or within digital note-taking platforms. It aids in enhancing memory retention and the integration of knowledge regardless of your preferred medium.

Defining the Boxing Method

The boxing method of note taking entails visualizing your page as a space where each drawn box is dedicated to organizing thoughts around a specific topic. Within these boxes, you encapsulate the central concepts along with the pertinent supporting details, establishing clear visual demarcations that aid in comprehension and organization.

As a result of employing this method of note-taking, you end up with an aesthetically appealing collection of notes. These not only facilitate easier recognition of patterns and links between topics, but also improve recall by making subsequent reviews more efficient.

Key Components of the Boxing Method

The boxing method is lauded for its straightforwardness and effectiveness. It involves first pinpointing the central themes and associated subjects. These key concepts are then collated into groups within boxes, forming a hierarchal structure that promotes both understanding and organization of information. Imagine these boxes as visual segments, each containing data relevant to a particular theme or concept.

This technique goes beyond mere box drawing. It’s about employing succinct, information-rich sentences inside those compartments. The strategic use of shorthand notations, symbols, plus varying sizes of boxes to denote the significance level of the content renders your note-taking more efficient and productive. Implementing colors and highlighters can Delineate categories while underscoring crucial ideas, which greatly benefits visual learners by enhancing their grasp on material retention.

Implementing the Boxing Method in Your Studies

Photo of setting up a page for boxing method note-taking

We’ve delved into the boxing method and its essential elements. Let’s explore how to apply it in your academic pursuits or professional life. If you’re aiming to excel in your exams as a student, or keen on effectively managing meeting information as a professional, adopting this strategy could transform your approach to note-taking and significantly enhance your efficiency.

Setting Up Your Page

Setting up your page correctly is essential before you start compartmentalizing your notes. When taking notes manually, using paper with a grid or dots can be quite helpful. Based on whether you’re holding the page horizontally (portrait) or vertically (landscape), divide it into two columns for portrait orientation and three to four columns for landscape orientation.

Next, proceed by placing headings appropriately. The main heading should occupy the topmost section of every page. Below this main heading, organize subheadings across the various columns that have been set out earlier. At first, refrain from creating physical separation lines between each column. Rather envision them in place or make digital adjustments as necessary.

Organizing Notes with Boxes

Once your page is set up, you can begin boxing. Here’s how:

  1. Create columns on the page and write notes under relevant headings to form topical clusters.
  2. Once your notes are categorized, draw boxes around each cluster.
  3. This visual separation of different topics enhances review and memorization.

Within each box, write concise notes using keywords, phrases, or bullet points for clarity. Use telegraphic sentences to keep your notes succinct. Differentiate the content within the boxes by:

  • Prioritizing topics and creating a visual hierarchy
  • Using larger boxes for main ideas and smaller ones for details
  • Using lines or arrows to indicate relationships

Over time, revise your initial notes by adding details or images, reformatting notes, and redrawing boxes around updated content.

Digital Note-Taking with the Boxing Method

In the current digital age, note-taking has evolved beyond the classic method of using a pen and paper. The boxing method of taking notes is significantly improved by the use of digital tools that come with numerous features. Editing tools such as lasso allow for easy reorganization and adjustment of boxed information, which can be quite handy when structuring and restructuring content within boxes. Digital applications including OneNote and GoodNotes offer functionalities like endless canvases, providing ample space to sort out and visually map out information in box-like arrangements.

The process of revising boxed notes becomes more streamlined through digital note-taking methods. They support:

  • Post-note-taking color-coding to bolster organization without disrupting thought processes
  • Incorporation of visual cues such as arrows which underline interconnections
  • Implementing different colors for various subtopics enhances both organizational efficiency and aesthetic quality regarding your collection of boxed notes.
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The Upsides and Downsides of the Boxing Method

The boxing method comes with its own set of pros and cons. It provides several advantages, including the straightforward organization of information and heightened interaction with the content. It also presents certain difficulties that could be obstacles for some individuals.

Benefits of Boxing Your Notes

Illustration of the benefits of the boxing method for note-taking

Utilizing the boxing method for note-taking offers a visually structured and segmented approach to categorize various topics. This technique provides an improved layout that enhances ease of access and navigation through your notes. It emphasizes essential concepts by facilitating information prioritization during study sessions.

The practice of putting notes into boxes helps foster brief and clear note-taking. This includes summarizing key points, employing bullet points for organization, and selecting precise language. Such a neat visual presentation not only assists with memorization through its appeal to visual learning styles, but also can make studying more interactive and potentially boost student enthusiasm.

Enhancing boxed notes by incorporating additional details or graphical elements is another strategy that contributes to better comprehension and memory retention when revising study material.

Challenges and Limitations

While the boxing method offers a range of advantages, it comes with certain drawbacks. Organizing large volumes of information into boxes can be an arduous task that consumes a significant amount of time. There is potential for individuals to become preoccupied with making the boxes visually appealing, potentially detracting from focusing on the substantive educational content.

The method isn’t universally applicable across all academic disciplines. It thrives predominantly within subjects where information naturally falls into hierarchical patterns that are conducive to succinct summaries and classifications. Conversely, in environments like rapid lectures where swift processing and categorization of knowledge are required, applying the boxing technique may present difficulties due to its demand for intensive concentration and immediate structuring abilities.

For the boxing approach to work effectively as an organizational tool in studies or note-taking activities, it requires access to learning materials or presentations that have been thoughtfully structured beforehand—materials which inherently lend themselves well to compartmentalization and synthesis.

Enhancing the Boxing Method with jamie

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jamie, an AI-powered tool, can revolutionize the boxing method by actively taking notes for you during meetings. This ensures that no information is lost, allowing you to fully concentrate on the meeting itself and the application of the boxing method without the distraction of manual note-taking.

jamie's Role in Effective Note-Taking

jamie possesses capabilities such as:

  • The extraction of tasks and identification of decisions made during discussions
  • Assistance in securing the most essential points for individuals taking notes
  • Options to tailor the level of detail captured within meeting notes
  • Creation of personalized templates

Such attributes provide a customized experience in note-taking that resonates with both the organizational and clarity aspects inherent to the boxing method.

The functionalities embedded within jamie entail:

  • A user-friendly interface granting effortless navigation through meeting notes
  • Enhanced effectiveness when organizing your note-taking approach
  • Precise recording of pivotal elements from meetings, circumventing manual notetaking requirements

This encapsulates jamie’s potency!

Integrating jamie with Digital Tools

jamie seamlessly works with all digital platforms, including Zoom and Teams. What’s truly remarkable is jamie’s ability to synchronize your meeting notes across multiple devices, which perfectly complements digital note-taking techniques such as the boxing method.

When it comes to sharing summaries of meetings openly, jamie stands out as an exemplary collaborative tool. The simplicity embedded in jamie’s design propels its effectiveness.

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Practical Tips for Boxing Method

We have thoroughly explored the boxing method, and with that foundation of understanding, we are poised to offer some actionable advice. These suggestions will serve to enhance the effectiveness of your study sessions through this technique, regardless if you’re an experienced practitioner or just starting out with the boxing method.

Creating Effective Boxed Notes

Photo of creating effective boxed notes with the boxing method

To create boxed notes effectively, it’s important to strike the right balance between visual appeal and functionality. Incorporating colors and diagrams can increase their engagement value, making them more appealing to the eye. Maintaining an organized and tidy appearance is paramount.

For clear organization within your notes, delineate different sections of information with boxes on the page – this helps separate content into distinct categories. Applying a consistent color-coding system aids in structuring your boxed notes efficiently. Use identical shades for similar types of data. Limit yourself to using three or four colors throughout your note-taking process to minimize confusion. Ensure that you emphasize only essential pieces of information so as not to clutter your annotations excessively.

Time Management Strategies

Managing time effectively is crucial when applying the boxing method. It’s imperative to review your notes within a 24-hour period to avoid the memory decline described by the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve and reinforce retention. Keep in mind that this technique can require considerable time. Thus, deploying efficient strategies for recognizing and grouping topics promptly is essential.

The practice of spaced repetition plays a vital role in long-term information retention. This tactic requires you to periodically go over your boxed notes following an initial review after one day, thereby improving memory preservation over extended periods. Consistent and regular engagement with the material is fundamental for proficiency in any area, including mastering the boxing method of note-taking.

Use Cases: When to Box and When Not To

Understanding the boxing note taking method, often simply referred to as the boxing method, is crucial for enhancing your note-taking abilities. This powerful technique may not be appropriate for every scenario or topic. Thus, discerning when it’s beneficial to employ this strategy and when to seek other methods is essential in optimizing your efficiency in taking notes.

Ideal Situations for Boxing Notes

The boxing method is particularly effective in certain learning contexts. For instance, language studies, which involve distinct categorization of words, are perfectly matched with this technique. Similarly, disciplines such as biology or anatomy that heavily rely on visual materials like diagrams can benefit from the boxing method’s facility for integrating visuals into note-taking.

Ideal conditions for employing the boxing method include situations where information is grouped into smaller segments centering around a primary idea or concept and with fewer subcategories. Subjects that necessitate regular review and repetitive study greatly profit from the organized nature of notes structured by the boxing method. Even in real-time environments such as live lectures, students can master incorporating quick notetaking using this approach before subsequently arranging their notes into designated boxes with some practice.

Alternatives to Consider

Although the boxing method can prove to be highly effective, it isn’t always the optimal choice. For lectures or learning materials that lack a clear structure with main topics and subtopics, the boxing method might not be the most efficient choice. In situations where you’re multitasking or dealing with fast-paced lectures, the boxing method may prove challenging.

In such cases, alternative note-taking methods can be beneficial. To find the best note taking method, consider exploring different note taking methods, including the effective note taking method. Implementing a note taking strategy can help you determine which method works best for you. Here are some options to consider, each representing a unique note taking method.

  1. The outline method: This method is structured to highlight main points on the left side of the page while allowing for finer details through indentations.
  2. Mind mapping: This method involves creating a visual representation of complex relationships by branching out from a central idea into subtopics with lines, symbols, and images. It is ideal for subjects that benefit from a visual approach.
  3. Sentence or paragraph note-taking: This method offers a straightforward, linear approach and allows for flexibility. It is suitable for subjects or lectures that are not well-suited to other methods, such as the boxing method.


We’ve thoroughly explored the boxing method, an impactful strategy for note taking that could transform your approach to studying and retaining essential information from discussions. Delving into its fundamental elements, mastering its application, and even augmenting it with a digital assistant such as jamie, have been key parts of our journey.

For students seeking academic excellence or professionals aiming to maintain their edge, adopting the boxing method can significantly alter outcomes. Its strengths lie in visual organization strategies, prioritizing data efficiently and adapting seamlessly between traditional paper-based systems and modern digital platforms. The growing popularity of the boxing method is telling. Perhaps it’s time you tried it out yourself — it might just be the perfect fit for your note-taking needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the cons of the boxing method of note-taking?

The method of note taking known as the boxing technique might require considerable time, particularly when dealing with an abundance of information. It can also be challenging to remember which category is associated with each bit of data. This approach may not be ideal for individuals who prefer a rapid and efficient strategy or those lacking clarity on the relationships between concepts.

Who invented the boxing note-taking method?

A Dutch university student named Amber invented the note-taking method known as boxing note taking.

Which note-taking method is best?

Regarded as one of the most efficient methods for taking notes, the Cornell Method streamlines both the note-taking process and study sessions for exams.

Experiment with it to determine if it enhances your note-taking experience.

What is the boxing method of digital notes?

Digital notes that utilize the boxing method encase crucial information within boxes or frames, establishing a visual hierarchy within your notes. Each distinct box signifies an individual idea, concept, or data point which aids in effectively organizing and prioritizing key information.

How can I implement the boxing method in my studies?

Begin employing the boxing method in your study routine by preparing your page with boxes surrounding headings for subtopics and jotting down succinct sentences to ensure efficient note taking. Integrating digital tools can augment this technique.


Head of Growth

Leo is the Head of Growth at Jamie, a company on a mission to eliminate busy work for modern knowledge workers. With a deep-rooted passion for self-development, SEO, growth strategies, and product-led growth (PLG), Leo spearheads all growth initiatives at Jamie. His expertise drives Jamie’s journey toward scaling impact, focusing on innovative growth strategies that align with the company's vision.

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