August 2024

Productivity Hacks

Clari Copilot Review: Pricing & Features 2024

Clari Copilot review: Features, pricing, and how it stacks up against cheaper alternatives like Jamie AI. Is it worth the investment?

Growth Content Editor

Clari Copilot (formerly known as Wingman) is a tool that divides opinion. Some users appreciate its ability to automatically take notes, summarize key points, and highlight action items, while others struggle with inaccurate transcriptions, glitchy integrations, and a steep learning curve that makes it hard to leverage the tool fully. 

So what's the truth? Is Clari Copilot a valuable addition to your toolkit, or just another software that fails to deliver on its promises?

In this review, we'll share our unbiased review of Clari Copilot, including key features, performance, and overall value. By the end of this review, you'll have a clear understanding of whether it's the right fit for your team's needs. You'll also get some tips and tricks for getting the most out of the tool, as well as some alternative software to consider if Clari Copilot isn't right for you.

Did you know?

Jamie offers human-level transcriptions and summaries at a fraction of Clari Copilot's cost. No bots, no hassle!

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So if you're thinking about investing in an AI meeting assistant like Clari Copilot, or just curious about what the hype is about, keep reading. This is the honest review you've been looking for.

What is Clari Copilot?

clari copilot, meeting summary
Image Credits: Clari

Clari Copilot, formerly known as Wingman, is a conversation intelligence platform designed to help revenue teams improve their performance and close deals. It automatically records, transcribes, and analyzes sales conversations across various channels, including phone, video, and in-person meetings. It’s part of the larger Clari platform, which offers a suite of tools for revenue operations and forecasting.

For this review, we’ll be focusing only on the Clari Copilot meeting assistant.

Key Features of Clari Copilot

clari copilot meeting platform
Image Credits: Clari
  • Automatic meeting recording and transcription: Clari Copilot integrates with your calendar and video conferencing tools. It automatically joins your meetings as a virtual bot and records them. It then transcribes the conversation in real time, including sales calls, to provide detailed records of these interactions.
  • Meeting summaries and highlights: During the meeting, Clari Copilot attempts to identify and highlight key points, decisions, and action items. After the meeting, it generates a summary of the main takeaways.
  • Searchable meeting library: All past meeting notes and transcripts are stored in a centralized library that is designed to be searchable, allowing users to find and reference key information from previous conversations.
  • Team collaboration features: Clari Copilot includes features that aim to facilitate team collaboration, such as the ability to share meeting notes and summaries with team members and add comments and feedback directly within the platform.

On paper, Clari Copilot offers all the features a sales team would look to optimize its meeting productivity. Let’s now take a look at how the tool works and how to use it.

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How Clari Copilot Works

To get started with Clari Copilot, you first need to connect it to your calendar and video conferencing tools. Clari supports integrations with popular platforms like Google Calendar, Zoom, Office 365, and Teams. Then, you grant Clari access to your calendar and meeting tools, and it will start automatically joining and recording your meetings.

Once you’re set up, you simply join your meetings as usual and Clari transcribes and analyzes the conversations. During each meeting, you’ll see a real-time transcription of the conversation, along with any key points or action items that Clari has identified.

After the meeting, Clari Copilot generates a summary of the main takeaways and any follow-up tasks. You can review and edit the summary, add comments or feedback, and share it with your team members. All your meeting notes are stored in a central library, where you can search and reference past conversations.

Clari Copilot also allows you to share meeting notes via email or Slack, and you can set it up to automatically send the summary to your preferred channels.

But how well do these features actually work in practice? That’s what we aimed to find out.

Did you know?

Jamie offers human-level transcriptions and summaries at a fraction of Clari Copilot's cost. No bots, no hassle!

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Clari Copilot's Accuracy and Performance

As with any software, having advanced features is only valuable if the core functionality works properly. That said, how accurate is Clari Copilot’s transcription? And how does it perform in different types of meetings?

Accurate transcriptions are crucial in preventing revenue leak by ensuring that all critical information is captured and utilized effectively.

Transcription Accuracy

Transcription accuracy is arguably the most important aspect of any AI meeting assistant, since everything else (summaries, analysis, etc.) relies on having an accurate record of what was said.

Clari Copilot's transcription is generally accurate. The tool captures most conversations, and identifies and attributes different speakers correctly. However, the accuracy of the transcriptions may be impacted in certain scenarios, such as the following:

  • Background noise: If there’s loud background noise (like music, typing, sirens, etc.), Clari Copilot sometimes can’t distinguish between the noise and the actual conversation. This could potentially lead to a couple missing words in your transcript.
  • Jargon: If the conversation includes a lot of jargon or technical terms, Clari Copilot sometimes can’t accurately transcribe them. This is could be due to the limitations of the language model being used.
  • Multiple speakers: When multiple people were talking at the same time or interrupting each other, Clari Copilot sometimes got confused and attributed the wrong words to the wrong speaker.

While these are all fairly common challenges for any AI meeting assistant, Clari Copilot's performance in these scenarios leaves room for improvement. The transcription accuracy is enough for basic reference and analysis, but users may need to review and edit the transcripts to ensure that the details are captured with precision. 

Summary and Analysis of Conversation Intelligence

The real value of an AI meeting assistant is not just transcribing the conversation, but actually extracting the key points and action items. So, let’s now take a look at Clari Copilot's summary and analysis capabilities in action.

Clari Copilot's summaries are generally pretty good: the main topics and decisions from meetings are usually captured properly. The summaries are easy to scan, with bullet points for each key takeaway.

Nonetheless, the quality of the summaries does vary depending on the type and complexity of the meeting. For more straightforward, simple meetings, the summaries tend to be precise. But for more creatuve or technical conversations, the summaries can sometimes miss context.

The action item detection can also be somewhat hit-or-miss. Clari Copilot does a good job of extracting explicit action items (e.g. "Tom will follow up with the client by Tuesday"), but can have issues with more vague statements (e.g. "Let's revisit this topic next week"). It also sometimes flags statements as action items that aren't actionable (e.g. "We should consider this").

Again, this is a common challenge for AI systems, and Clari Copilot's performance is in line with most of the alternative tools available. In this case, the summaries and action items generated by Clari can be useful as a starting point, but they are not a substitute for human anaslysis. Users still need to review and validate the summaries to ensure accuracy.

Performance and Reliability

Clari Copilot is stable and responsive, with minimal lag or downtime. The automatic meeting recording and transcription works, and the summaries and action items are usually ready within a few minutes after the meeting ended.

Users have however reported a couple of bugs and glitches. For example, sometimes the real-time transcription can freeze or skip ahead, and occasionally the post-meeting summary is not generated. These issues are relatively rare and usually resolved, but they can be frustrating for teams.

All in all, Clari Copilot's performance is great but not perfect. It's a complex system, and like any technology, it's prone to some issues. But for the most part, it works and delivers on its main promises.

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Pricing and Value

clari copilot pricing plans
Image Credits: Clari

As you probably know, Clari is not cheap. According to Vendr’s internal transaction data, the average annual cost for Clari’s software suite is around $160,000, with some deals reaching as high as $1.2 million. Clari offers a modular pricing structure, which means you can pick and choose the specific features and modules you need. The Copilot module specifically, which includes the conversational intelligence features we’ve been reviewing, starts at $1,080 per year per rep, which is a fair price for a tool of this kind.

So, is it worth it? Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Meeting volume: If you have a lot of meetings (say, more than 10 hours per week), then the time savings from Clari Copilot could justify the cost. But if you only have a few meetings a week, it will be harder to see the ROI.
  • Importance of accuracy: If your meetings involve high-stakes decisions or sensitive information, then the accuracy of your meeting notes is crucial. In these cases, you may prefer to opt for a tool that provides a slightly higher accuracy level when it comes to summaries and transcripts.
  • Budget and priorities: If you have the resources and see the potential for actual time savings, then Clari Copilot can be a good investment. But if you’re on a tight budget or have other pressing priorities, it may not be the best fit.

It’s also worth noting that Clari Copilot is not the only AI meeting assistant out there. There are other apps on the market that offer similar features. That’s why it’s important to do your research and compare different tools before making a decision.

Here’s an overview of Clari Copilot compared to its alternatives in terms of pricing:

  • Jamie AI: This AI note-taker delivers human-level transcriptions and meeting summaries without requiring a bot to join your meetings. The best part? Jamie can be used for free, forever. Paid plans start at $26/month.
  • Gong: Another popular conversational intelligence platform, Gong’s average contract value is around $105,530 according to Vendr’s data.
  • Chorus: Chorus, which was acquired by ZoomInfo in 2020, is generally cheaper than both Gong and Clari Copilot, with some plans starting at around $600 per year per rep.

User Reviews and Testimonials

Here’s what real-world users think of Clari Copilot:

The Good

The Bad

Source: G2

The general sentiment seems to be that Clari Copilot is a powerful and useful tool, but not necessarily a perfect one. Users like its accuracy, time-saving features, and integrations, but some do mention the high price tag and a steep learning curve. 

Alternatives to Clari Copilot

alternative to clari copilot, jamie ai dashboard

Again, Clari Copilot is not the only AI meeting assistant on the market. There are a number of other tools that offer similar features and capabilities. One of the most notable alternatives is Jamie AI.

Jamie is a newer tool that has been growing in popularity thanks to its clean interface, human-level transcriptions and summaries, and “Ask Jamie” feature, which allows you to ask questions about your past meetings and get instant answers.

These are the key differences between Clari Copilot and Jamie AI:

  • Pricing: Jamie is significantly cheaper than Clari Copilot, with plans starting at just $26 per user per month. This makes it a more accessible option for smaller teams and organizations.
  • Ease of use: Jamie AI has a more intuitive interface than Clari Copilot. It’s easier to set up and start using right away.
  • Transcription accuracy: Jamie AI’s transcription accuracy is one of the highest in the market. Jamie is particularly good at transcribing technical jargon and strong accents.
  • Integrations: Clari Copilot integrates with a slightly wider range of tools and platforms than Jamie AI, including CRM systems like Salesforce. However, Jamie is rapidly expanding its integration options.

The choice between Clari Copilot and Jamie AI (or any other AI note-taker) will obviously depend on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. If you’re looking for a more affordable and accurate, Jamie may be the way to go. But if you need the advanced features and integrations of Clari Copilot, it could be worth the extra investment.

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Jamie: High-accuracy meeting assistant with a free-forever plan. Why pay thousands when you can get better for free?

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The Veredict: Clari Copilot

So where does all of this leave us? Is Clari Copilot the best AI meeting assistant, or just another overrated AI tool? The answer is: it depends.

This is our take: if you're a business or team that has a high volume of sales meetings and needs a comprehensive solution, then Clari Copilot is worth considering. Its integrations and robustness do make it a top contender.

But, if you're on a small budget, have a small team, and just need an affordable, accurate note-taking and summary generation app, then Clari Copilot might be overkill. In these cases, a tool like Jamie could be a more cost-effective alternative.

At the end of the day, the best way to know if Clari Copilot (or any tool) is right for you is to try it out for yourself. Take advantage of the free trial, test it out in your real-world meetings, and see how it fits into your workflows. Pay attention to factors like accuracy, ease of use, and time savings - these will be the key determinants of whether the tool is worth your money.

FAQs About Clari Copilot

What is Clari Copilot?

Clari Copilot is an AI conversation intelligence platform, previously known as Wingman. It aims to help sales teams improve their performance by automatically recording, transcribing, and analyzing sales conversations across various channels. While it offers features like real-time coaching and CRM integration, some users have reported issues with transcription accuracy and the learning curve associated with its advanced capabilities. Ultimately, its value depends on the specific needs and priorities of each sales organization.

How much does Clari Copilot cost?

The Copilot module starts at $1,080 per year per rep, but the total cost will depend on the specific modules and features you need, as well as the number of seats and usage volume. According to Vendr's internal transaction data, the average annual cost for Clari's software suite is around $160,000, with a maximum price that can reach up to $1.2 million.

What does Clari software do?

Clari is a revenue operations platform that helps companies streamline their sales processes and make more accurate forecasts. Clari Copilot is just one part of the larger Clari ecosystem, focused specifically on meeting management and analysis.

Is Clari a CRM?

No, Clari is not a CRM. It integrates with popular CRMs like Salesforce and HubSpot to provide additional revenue intelligence and forecasting capabilities, but it doesn't replace your existing CRM.

How expensive is Clari?

The Copilot module alone starts at $1,080 per year per rep, which can be a significant investment for some companies. The full Clari platform is even more expensive, with pricing based on your organization's specific needs and requirements. According to Vendr's data, the average annual cost for Clari is around $160,000, with the maximum price reaching up to $1.2 million.

Is Clari worth it?

This is a tough question to answer, as it really depends on your team's specific needs and workflows. Some users swear by Clari and say it's been great for their sales process, while others have found it buggy, confusing, and not worth the high price tag. In my experience, it can be a valuable tool if you're willing to put in the time and effort to learn its quirks and customize it to your needs, but it's not a magic bullet.

What are the pros and cons of Clari?

Some of the main pros of Clari Copilot include automatic meeting recording and transcription, AI-powered summaries and action item detection, and integration with popular tools like Zoom and Salesforce. On the downside, it can be expensive, the transcriptions aren't always accurate, and the learning curve can be steep. It also lacks some advanced features and customization options that power users might want.

What is Clari Wingman?

Clari Wingman was the original name of the AI meeting assistant that is now called Clari Copilot. Clari acquired Wingman in 2021 and rebranded it as part of their larger revenue operations platform.

Who is the CEO of Wingman?

The CEO of Wingman was Shruti Kapoor, who co-founded the company in 2018. After the acquisition by Clari, Kapoor joined Clari's executive team as the VP of Product for Conversation Intelligence.

What does Clari Copilot do?

Clari Copilot records, transcribes, and analyzes your meetings to help you stay organized and on top of your action items. It can automatically join your Zoom or Google Meet calls, generate a written summary of what was discussed, and even detect and assign tasks based on the conversation. It's like having a personal assistant for your meetings, minus the human touch (and the ability to bring you coffee).

Does Clari work with HubSpot?

Yes, Clari integrates with HubSpot to provide additional revenue forecasting and pipeline management capabilities. You can sync your HubSpot data with Clari to get a more accurate picture of your sales pipeline and make better-informed decisions. However, some users have reported issues with the integration, so it's worth testing thoroughly before relying on it completely.

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