Note-Taking Methods

What is the PQRST Method?

What is the PQRST Method?
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The PQRST method is an instructional strategy that stands for Preview, Question, Read, State, and Test. It is designed to enhance comprehension, retention, and recall of information by encouraging active engagement with the study material. This method involves a five-step process where learners preview the content to get an overview, formulate questions based on the headings, read the material in-depth to find answers, state or summarize what they've learned in their own words, and finally test their understanding to identify gaps and reinforce learning.

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PQRST Method 101

  • The PQRST method is a structured study technique designed to improve learning and recall by actively engaging with the material through steps: Preview, Question, Read, State/Summarize, and Test.
  • Though effective in enhancing long-term retention and critical thinking, the PQRST method may have limitations in its applicability for individuals with severe memory deficits or in situations requiring short-term recall.
  • The PQRST method can be tailored to various learning styles and types of material, making it adaptable for different educational, professional, and personal growth scenarios; an AI tool like jamie can facilitate its implementation.

The PQRST Method Explained

Illustration of a person studying with books and notes using PQRST

The PQRST study method represents a structured technique aimed at improving the process of learning and solidifying the retention of information by promoting active interaction with the material at hand. This systematic approach is especially beneficial for individuals who face challenges with memory or executive functions, such as those affected by prefrontal cortex damage. It supports these individuals in effectively encoding and retrieving information strategically.

In what follows, we will delve into each component of this method meticulously.


Illustration of skimming through study material using PQRST

The ‘Preview’ phase is the first step of the PQRST method. This stage entails a cursory review of your study materials to get an overarching understanding, while also tying in what you already know. During this phase, one should familiarize themselves with the material by looking over titles, summaries, and any graphical elements like charts or diagrams. Conducting this preliminary overview lays down a solid foundation for your upcoming study session and lends a clear direction to how you’ll approach learning.

For an efficient preview experience, it’s advised that students pinpoint main themes and understand how the main ideas are organized by perusing tables of contents, relevant maps, as well as scrutinizing chapter headings, summary, and essential terms. Furthermore, carefully reading both opening and concluding sentences of paragraphs can reveal logical connections within the content thus providing deeper clarity about its substance.This initial scanning not only prepares you for diving into more detailed studies, but ensures that subsequent studying efforts are targeted effectively.


Following the initial ‘Preview’ phase, students should proceed to the ‘Question’ step. During this stage, content and subject headings are rephrased as interrogative statements. While it might seem straightforward, this technique significantly bolsters your grasp of the study material.

When learners convert section titles into questions, they partake more deeply with their resources. Such involvement doesn’t just add an interactive dimension to studying. It also prepares your brain for uncovering answers during the forthcoming ‘Read’ segment—thus improving both understanding and memory retention.

For example:

  • In what ways do converting headings into questions offer benefits?
  • How does framing headings as inquiries bolster comprehension and memorization?
  • Why is engaging actively with learning materials important?


Photo of a person reading study material using PQRST

During the ‘Read’ stage of the PQRST method, students delve deeply into their learning material. This is not a mere skim. It’s an intensive and purposeful reading session aimed at uncovering answers to questions established earlier. This search for answers during in-depth reading fosters greater interaction with the subject matter.

Engaging with the text by seeking out responses enhances both comprehension and memory retention of what has been read. Should there be difficulties in grasping or summarizing any part while engaging with this phase, readers are encouraged to review that section again to strengthen understanding. Ultimately, by linking back to your initial inquiries from the ‘Question’ step, you satisfy intellectual curiosity and cement knowledge acquisition regarding the learning material.

State or Summarize

After thoroughly reading and responding to questions, the next critical step is ‘State’ or ‘Summarize.’’ During this stage, you fortify your grasp previous knowledge of the subject by rephrasing it using your own words. This process is essential. Not only does it solidify what you’ve learned, but it also pinpoints areas that may require more attention.

Incorporating methods like the Feynman Technique can be particularly effective as they encourage simplification of material through straightforward language. Similarly, drawing parallels between complex topics and familiar ideas with analogies aids memory retention. Comprehension can also benefit from a clear understanding of how visual elements are linked to written information. AI-driven tools enhance this summarization step by offering functionalities for reflection, structure building around key points in content, thereby strengthening both comprehension and recall abilities.


Photo of a person taking a self-assessment test using PQRST

The final stage in the PQRST method is ‘Test,’ which serves as a self-evaluation tool to accurately gauge one’s comprehension and pinpoint where additional learning may be required. This phase isn’t meant for assigning grades, but rather it’s about detecting sections that might benefit from Reading or extra explanation.

After carrying out an initial assessment, learners are encouraged to go back through their study materials—paying particular attention to areas that were challenging—and consider rewriting their notes to reinforce what they’ve learned. If working with online content, this testing step can be enhanced by engaging in interactive quizzes or discussion forums. For those studying a language, incorporating peer tutoring could help deepen understanding of grammar rules. The application of strategies like self-testing, peer feedback, and rewards not only injects motivation into the process but also yields important insights that lead to more effective study practices and improved management of time.

Pros and Cons of the PQRST Method

It is essential to bear in mind that the PQRST study method, despite its numerous advantages, is not a universal solution. Similar to other techniques, this method comes with both strengths and weaknesses.

Considering the positive aspects alongside the negative provides a comprehensive perspective where supporting ideas for each are taken into account.


The PQRST technique significantly boosts both immediate and long-term recall abilities, as well as the capacity to respond to questions about textual content. This method also enhances free recall, suggesting a more effective way of processing and retaining new information.

By encouraging students to actively write notes and generate questions in search of answers, the PQRST strategy leads to heightened comprehension. During the ‘State’ phase of PQRST where one paraphrases learning material into their own language, it not only solidifies understanding but also identifies areas that may require additional attention—proving particularly beneficial for mastering history notes.

Collectively, employing the cognitive-engaging elements of the PQRST approach strengthens grasping concepts and ensuring lasting memorization of educational content through an interactive engagement with study materials.


The PQRST technique, despite its various advantages, might not be the best strategy for individuals with significant memory impairments as it necessitates active interaction with the material. There is skepticism about how well the method generalizes since research has indicated constraints in transferring learned information to practical real-life contexts.

For successful utilization of this study technique, meticulous time management is essential. Each stage must receive adequate attention to avoid any temptation to speed through or overlook steps. It should be recognized that when considering short-term recall outcomes, normal repetitive reading was found equally effective as the PQRST method. This revelation could affect how useful people consider this learning approach in certain educational circumstances.

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How to Use the PQRST Method

Grasping the nature of the PQRST method along with its advantages and disadvantages, we are now prepared to move on to actionable advice for applying this study strategy effectively. These suggestions aim to assist you in optimizing your use of this learning approach.

Adapt to Different Material

The PQRST method is highly versatile, and its strength lies in the ease with which it can be tailored to suit varying content types through the incorporation of active study techniques that resonate with specific material.

With materials that are technical or particularly intricate, integrating a stage for practical application after testing can solidify conceptual understanding via experiential learning. In contrast, for arts and humanities subjects, infusing artistic activities like writing or drawing during the summarization step may deepen engagement with the subject matter.

Improve Retention

Incorporating mnemonic devices like acronyms, rhymes, and songs into the ‘Test’ phase of the PQRST method can significantly boost memory retention. Along with these memorable devices, other methods that aid in memorization can be applied to remember challenging content more effectively.

When combined with spaced repetition — a technique that schedules reviews of study material at progressively extended intervals — within the ‘Test’ stage of the PQRST method, it greatly strengthens long-term memory retention. Continual revisiting of study materials following initial use of the PQRST approach helps cement knowledge and counteracts forgetfulness over time.

Personalize the Process

The PQRST method is flexible and can be tailored to fit your unique learning preferences. To customize the PQRST approach, begin by identifying methods that resonate with how you learn best—whether it’s visual, auditory, verbal, kinesthetic (hands-on), logical, social or solitary—and adapt those strategies for an oral presentation.

Learners of various styles have distinct ways to boost their understanding.

  • Verbal learners might reword notes and encapsulate key points
  • Visual learners could utilize charts, color highlights and other visual aids
  • Auditory learners may gain from hearing recorded synopses
  • Kinesthetic individuals might find conducting actual experiments beneficial
  • Solitary students often favor tools like flashcards or outlines for solo reviews

Fundamentally, customizing the time spent on each stage of the PQRST process according to one’s own focus capacity and mental stamina helps in sustaining concentration and warding off fatigue. It’s also advisable to intersperse study sessions with rest periods as necessary.

Use Cases for the PQRST Method

The PQRST method, although commonly employed in academic settings for learning, is versatile and applicable across a wide variety of real-life situations. Let’s explore several practical instances where the efficacy of this method is evident.

Academic Studying

Within the academic learning landscape, students have effectively utilized the PQRST method to facilitate efficient encoding, structuring, and recalling of new knowledge. This approach has improved reading comprehension while also accelerating their ability to handle large volumes of material.

By encouraging active interaction with texts through questioning and summarization techniques, the PQRST method promotes advanced critical thinking skills among learners. As a significant aid in bolstering long-term memory retention for students, it proves indispensable for mastering novel ideas and preparing thoroughly for tests.

Professional Development

Within the realm of professional development, employing the PQRST method can be exceptionally advantageous. When applied to reading materials related to one’s profession, this strategy enhances understanding and memory retention—a critical aspect for continuous learning within any industry.

The practice of self-recitation and testing is an integral part of the PQRST technique that stimulates professionals’ active involvement with novel updates in policies, procedures or technology. This deep level of interaction provided by the PQRST approach guarantees a thorough comprehension and successful application of new changes at work.

Personal Growth

The PQRST technique, well established in educational and occupational settings, is adaptable for individual enhancement. It can be reshaped as follows:

  • Perspective of Powerful Possibilities (PoPP)
  • Compelling Question (Q)
  • Reflection (R)
  • Sharing (S)
  • Thoughtful Action (T)

When re-envisioned in this way, the method emphasizes boosting efficiency and productivity across personal and professional spheres.

To implement the PQRST strategy toward self-improvement entails:

  • Uncovering transformative insights or ‘aha’ moments through PoPP
  • Deepening understanding by posing incisive questions about these new viewpoints
  • Contemplating upon these responses
  • Disseminating this acquired knowledge with peers

Executing considered actions derived from such enlightenment.

The PQRST Method and Jamie

Meet jamie, a cutting-edge AI tool crafted to aid individuals who seek to optimize their note-taking process using the PQRST method. This technological innovation serves as an ally for attendees in meetings by improving their ability to take notes, offering them a robust solution for efficiently applying the PQRST strategy in their learning endeavors.


During virtual meetings on platforms such as Zoom and Teams, jamie offers transcription services along with automated note taking. It is designed to be adaptable, offering personalized note templates and the option for users to add specialized words and acronyms to its vocabulary, thus making it accessible for individuals with disabilities.

jamie serves a wide-ranging audience by providing efficient note-taking capabilities in over 15 different languages. It upholds strict data privacy standards by exclusively storing and handling user information within Europe in alignment with GDPR guidelines.


jamie isn’t merely a utility. It’s a key to unlocking time. According to user testimonials, jamie enables them to reclaim around 10 hours per week by adeptly documenting notes from meetings, which in turn grants students additional time for study and revision.

Those utilizing jamie report that it eases the burden of their tasks and supports the creation of concise, unambiguous recaps of their gatherings. The note-taking procedure is refined with jamie’s assistance, emphasizing substance over the mechanics of writing down information—thus streamlining both the act of composing notes and organizing your accumulated written materials.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the PQRST method is a tried-and-true study technique that can significantly enhance your learning process. It offers a structured approach to studying and understanding texts, making it an ideal method for students, professionals, and lifelong learners alike.

However, like any method, it has its limitations and might not be suitable for all learners or all types of content. Therefore, it’s essential to adapt and personalize the method to fit your own learning style and the specific material you’re studying. Remember, the ultimate goal of any study technique is to facilitate learning, and the best method is the one that works for you.

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What is the PQRST teaching strategy?

The teaching strategy known as PQRST, an acronym for Preview, Question, Read, State, Test, is a validated approach designed to improve your learning by assisting with the uptake of information and its comprehension and recall.

What does PQRST stand for in the PQRST study method?

The PQRST study method is comprised of five crucial steps for efficient learning: Preview, Question, Read, State or Summarize, and Test.

Applying this method meticulously can enhance one’s ability to retain information and deepen their understanding.

Are there any drawbacks to the PQRST method?

To rephrase, the PQRST technique might not yield substantial benefits for those who suffer from profound memory impairments and necessitates meticulous scheduling to be effective.

Can the PQRST method be adapted to different materials?

Certainly, the PQRST technique is versatile enough to accommodate various materials by incorporating study strategies that are active and tailored to the nature of the content. This might involve including a phase for practical application when dealing with technical subjects or encouraging creative output in the case of arts and humanities.


Head of Growth

Leo is the Head of Growth at Jamie, a company on a mission to eliminate busy work for modern knowledge workers. With a deep-rooted passion for self-development, SEO, growth strategies, and product-led growth (PLG), Leo spearheads all growth initiatives at Jamie. His expertise drives Jamie’s journey toward scaling impact, focusing on innovative growth strategies that align with the company's vision.

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