September 2024

Productivity Hacks

Clova Note: Full Review 2024

Clova Note in 2024 offers real-time transcription and multi-speaker ID but lags in speed and language support. Jamie provides faster, smarter alternatives.

Growth Content Editor

The amount of information I had to gather to understand the aspects of Clova Note was absolutely crazy. I read a lot of articles, lots of reviews, tested the tool myself, and brought this article together to give you all the details on Clova Note, what I think about it, and a better alternative.

Here's what I "kept thinking" about Clova from the get-go:

"Do you have to wait for 24 hours to get a transcription???"
clova audio conversion can take up to 24 hours

That was simply my shock factor throughout the research. But regardless, it's rather a nice tool.

Does a lot of seamless meeting management functions that any other tool would do too.

So what makes Clova so special? Let's find out, shall we?

Still Waiting 24 Hours for Transcriptions? Really?

Jamie does it instantly. Boom!

Try Jamie

What Is Clova Note?

Clova Note is an AI powered transcription tool by LINE, a popular communication platform in Asia. According to LINE Corporation, Clova Note converts speech into text in real time so users can manage meetings, interviews, and note-taking more efficiently (LINE Corporation). Its key features are;

  • Multi-speaker identification.
  • Keyword search to find your notes.
  • Bookmarking to organize your notes better.

Clova is a simple meeting app that can help you make meetings, interviews, and note-taking a little less chaotic.​

Clova Note has cross-platform compatibility, allowing you to work across smartphones, tablets, and PCs. Meaning that your notes are synced across multiple devices of your choice. And I think it's amazing because the user has quick access to their notes regardless of the device they are using.

What Are the Latest Updates in Clova Note?

This review looks at the 2024 updates to Clova Note, its performance, usability, and how it compares to other transcription tools out there. We’ll go over the new features, their pros and cons, and whether they are suitable for professionals, students, or casual users.

Key Features of Clova Note 2024

Real-Time Transcription

Clova Note has real-time transcription; you can convert speech to text in seconds. Supports multiple languages, Japanese, English, Korean, and their latest addition, Chinese. Great for international and local users. However, other AI meeting tools support a lot more languages. For example, Jamie recognizes 15+ languages, even Korean.

Speaker Identification

Another impressive thing about Clova Note is that it can distinguish between speakers. This is super important in situations with multiple people, like interviews or group meetings. The app will automatically label each speaker so you don’t get confused. You can also edit these labels yourself for more clarity.


The Note function can be used on your PC while recording a meeting. Your notes will be timestamped so you can easily review and organize your audio files. This is helpful when you need to go back, and review certain information and really listen to it just one more time for clarity.


Clova Note allows you to bookmark important parts of the recording, which is super useful for long meetings or interviews. You can also search within the transcription by keywords so you can quickly jump to specific parts of the conversation.

How it works is, you bookmark important conversations during the meeting, then search and listen to these bookmarks from the audio recording. This search function helps you navigate long transcripts, which is pretty convenient.

🧠 Tools like Jamie have an AI-powered chat function that saves time spent manually searching for or organizing notes. You can still organize in Jamie using its labeling feature, and the assistant sidebar can find any information you need instantly. All you have to do is simply ask Jamie.

Bookmarking is Fine, But Jamie’s AI is Faster.

Skip the search. Jamie finds it for you.

Try Jamie

Search Function

Clova prioritizes quick access to your notes. You can easily search and listen to audio recordings. Any audio you record or upload is automatically converted to text so you can distinguish between speakers, search, and listen to what you need.

Cross-Platform Support

Clova Note is cross-platform, allowing easy switching between devices like smartphones, tablets, or PCs. You can share notes across multiple devices, and the app syncs audio and transcription files. This is helpful when you need access to notes, no matter which device you have at the moment.

Clova Note User Experience

Setup and Usability

Clova Note is super easy to set up and use. Just download the app, log in with your LINE account, and follow the instructions to sync across devices. The app has a smooth interface that guides you through recording and transcribing. For the browser version, you can upload audio files for transcription, but recording directly from the browser is not supported.

To see a step-by-step guide on how to setup Clova: check this article

Audio File Management

Clova Note is great at managing audio files and transcriptions. You can bookmark key moments in recordings so you can navigate long sessions easily. You can organize your notes with time-stamped entries, share them via secure links, and search within transcriptions for specific keywords. This is super useful for business meetings, interviews, and academic purposes.


You can also edit transcriptions and speaker labels manually. So even in multi-speaker environments, you can correct any misattributions. You can also customize font size and text formatting for better reading across devices.

Jamie: The Best Alternative to the Clova Note App

Jamie vs Clova Note Comparison Table

Jamie vs. Clova Note Comparison Summary

  • Free Plan Minutes: Both Jamie and Clova Note offer 300 minutes per month in their free plans. You can get an extra 600 minutes in Clova if you agree to "Data acquisition for quality improvement."
  • Max Recording Length: Both Jamie and Clova offer a 3-hour maximum recording length
  • Conversion Speed: Jamie processes transcriptions fast after meetings so you can get to your notes quickly. Clova Note's uploaded files can take up to 24 hours to convert files, which can be inconvenient if you need a quick turnaround.
  • Search and Navigation: Jamie has an AI-powered instant search function, so you can find what you need quickly. Clova Note has bookmarking and keyword search which is good for long transcripts but consumes more time to search than Jamie.
  • Voice-to-Text Conversion: Both support voice-to-text conversion. Jamie excels at ad hoc transcription from live audio without file uploads while Clova Note supports in-app recording and file uploads from various audio formats.
  • Speaker Identification: Both support speaker identification but Jamie’s is more advanced as it learns speakers’ voices over time.
  • Edit Transcriptions: Both Jamie and Clova Note allow you to edit transcriptions.
  • Custom Terminology: Both support custom terms so you can add industry-specific vocabulary to improve transcription accuracy.
  • Multi-Language Transcription Support: Jamie supports over 15 languages including Korean so great for international teams. Clova Note supports Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese.
  • Offline Meeting Transcriptions: Jamie can transcribe offline, so you can transcribe meetings even without an internet connection. Clova can’t transcribe offline, you need an internet connection to process recordings.
  • Assistant Messages: You can use daily assistant messages to help with email drafting, coaching, and meeting insights (literally anything you can think of). Because Jamie has Chatgpt 4 + Claude 3 and Jamie's own LLM integrated into the sidebar feature, the assistance Jamie can provide you is limitless. Clova doesn’t do this, so you get no interactive help during meetings.

Jamie wins on scalability, speed, and simplicity. Clova Note has some nice features but needs extra steps to get things done and is slower compared to the efficiency of Jamie.

Jamie: 다국어 지원, Clova Note보다 더 나은 선택

(Jamie: Multilingual Support, A Better Choice than Clova Note)

You must be wondering why I wrote the heading in Korean, simply because Jamie transcribes in Korean too. As you can see below, Jamie has perfectly transcribed Korean content. You can also see Jamie's sidebar feature, helping you translate it back to English.

Jamie the best alternative to clova note, and it also transcribe in korean

Schedule, Manage, Translate—Jamie Does It All

One tool, multiple languages, all your meetings.

Try Jamie

Pros and Cons of Clova Note 2024


  • Real-time transcription in multiple languages.
  • Identifies speakers automatically.
  • Bookmark and search within notes.
  • Works on phones, tablets, and PCs.
  • Easy setup and use.


  • Slow transcription—up to 24 hours. (천천히 해!)
  • Limited language support (4 languages).
  • Needs internet for transcription.
  • No AI assistant for help during meetings.
  • Manual speaker label adjustments are needed.

Conclusion and Final Verdict for Clova Note 2024

Clova Note is good for basic transcription needs. It has real-time speech-to-text, speaker identification, and cross-platform support so it’s good for everyday use. But Clova’s slow processing time, limited language support, and need for an internet connection are big drawbacks, especially for busy professionals. No AI assistance and offline capability is also a limitation compared to more advanced competitors like Jamie. Overall Clova Note is good for simple tasks but not the best if you need speed, versatility, and smarter meeting management features.

Jamie best alternative to clova note

If you need a more powerful and efficient tool Jamie is a better option with instant transcriptions, advanced AI support, and offline capability.

Jamie, 화이팅! (Jamie, hwaiting! - "Go, Jamie!")

Jamie’s Speed: 빠르고, 速い, 快!

No waiting, just fast, accurate transcriptions.

Try Jamie

FAQs on Clova Note Taker

What new features have been added to the 2024 version of Clova Note?

In 2024 Clova Note has speaker identification, multi-language transcription, and real-time text conversion. Also device integration for seamless cross-platform use and updated privacy settings for better data handling and security.

How does Clova Note compare to other transcription apps like and Notta regarding accuracy and usability?

Clova Note has real-time transcription with speaker identification and multi-language support. But it doesn’t have instant processing like and Jamie which can give you faster and more accurate transcripts without waiting time. Clova Note is easy to use but slower than Jamie which processes notes immediately after the meeting.

Is Clova Note free, and what premium features are available?

Clova Note has a free plan with 300 minutes of transcription per month. You can get an extra 300 minutes per month by allowing data collection. Premium features are extended transcription limits, advanced speaker labeling, and search. Jamie has unlimited minutes in higher plans so it’s more scalable for heavy users.

How effective is Clova Note for businesses, students, or journalists?

Clova Note is good for businesses and students because of real-time transcription and speaker identification. It’s also good for journalists who need quick and organized access to interviews and meetings. But for critical business needs, the slower processing time might be a drawback compared to other solutions like Jamie which has instant transcription and AI-powered search.

How does Clova Note handle data privacy and user security concerns?

Clova Note stores data on LINE’s servers which comply with Japanese data protection laws. However the encryption method is not publicly disclosed. For users with high privacy needs, Jamie has GDPR-compliant data security with encrypted storage so it’s more transparent.

How accurate is Clova Note’s transcription in 2024?

Clova Note’s accuracy has improved in 2024. Decent performance in Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese. But can be affected by overlapping speech or heavy accent. Jamie has multi-accent and multi-language support across 15+ languages so it’s more reliable for diverse teams.

Can Clova Note identify multiple speakers automatically?

Yes, Clova Note can automatically identify multiple speakers which is good for group settings. It labels each speaker automatically but can struggle with overlapping speech. Jamie learns individual voices over time so it’s even more accurate in long-term use.

What languages does Clova Note support?

Clova Note supports Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese. Good for many users in Asia but limited compared to Jamie which supports over 15 languages including Korean so it’s more versatile for international teams.

Is Clova Note suitable for long meetings or interviews?

Clova Note can handle long meetings or interviews with its 3-hour recording cap. But it may take up to 24 hours for audio file conversion which can be inconvenient. Jamie has instant meeting transcription so it’s better for users who need quick access to their notes.

How does Clova Note handle sensitive data or private conversations?

Clova Note stores data on LINE’s servers with some level of security but there’s no public information on the encryption standards. For sensitive data, Jamie has encryption, GDPR compliance, and offline transcription so it’s a safer option for confidential meetings and private conversations.

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